September 15, 2008

Zaid Ibrahim resigns as Law Minister broke the news that Zaid Ibrahim, the de facto Law Minister, has tendered his resignation. Toh Kin Woon, the former Gerakan leader commented that, “It’s very rare to have a person like him who can resist the lure of high office to stand firm on his own beliefs and prinicples.”

Malaysiakini also has a report on Zaid Ibrahim's resignation. This comes after he declared his opposition to the use of the ISA to arrest people who he cannot see to be a national threat. He originally planned to meet the PM to discuss his views on the use of the ISA. However, it seems like he has resigned without seeing the PM on the urging of many Malaysians.

Although he is not an MP, Zaid Ibrahim is a person who should be welcomed by Pakatan Rakyat, if he decides to also resign from UMNO.

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8 March 2008

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